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Livreto Cristão

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"Nevertheless, to those who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of natural descent, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God."  John 1:12-13

So we want to be your family in Christ. We want to welcome you as our brother. Even if you don't believe it, you didn't end up here by chance. God, in his infinite love, guided him to us.

Jesus Christ wants to pour out his incomparable love in your life, he wants to call you brother and son, he wants to welcome you into his family.

It doesn't matter your past, it doesn't matter your present, it just matters that He loves you and that He will have His love with us.


at 6:30 pm

Bible School

To listen to the Bible school  click here

Every Saturday
at 8 pm

Worship service to the Lord Jesus Christ

To listen to our worship click here

at 9 pm

prayer meeting
culto familia.jpg

The family is the pillar of the Church, of society and is a divine creation. God wants strong families based on him. 
Click on the image.

A nossa loja

Espreite o nosso Blog! Vale o seu tempo

My House, House of God

This is a project very dear to our hearts as a Church.

We want all our homes to be God's homes.

For this, we encourage all those who want to open their homes to receive people to disciple, share and advise, according to the Word of God, all those who ardently desire to know more about the love of Jesus Christ.

Do you feel that something is missing in your life? Is there a void that seems impossible to fill no matter what you try to put inside? What you need is the love of Jesus Christ in your life.

Do you want to know Jesus Christ and His love, but are you afraid to go to our Church? Do you feel the need to know more about the word of God in a relaxed environment where you can expose your doubts and uncertainties without feeling judged or guilty?

Talk to us and we will put someone in touch with you for what you need or we will find you a home where you will be welcomed with all the love, compassion and empathy that Jesus has to give you through his children in the Church.

Because the Church is not a building , but the entire place where those who love Christ meet because God lives in us and He wants us to know Him.

Come to us, without fear, without guilt complex, without inferiority complex. All those who will receive it are sinners washed by the blood of Jesus Christ and who need to be in permanent contact with the love of God to be a reflection of who Jesus wants.

Come home it's yours too. To create a house use the form below and tell us if you want to open your house or be placed in a house.

God bless you and always know that WHO FIND JESUS CHRIST FIND LIFE.

Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and afterward prove me herewith, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you, and pour out such a blessing upon you until that there is not enough room for you to collect it.

Malachi 3:10

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